How To Write An Essay For Scholarship

It must be at least 4 paragraph in essay: Intro, Body paragraph and Conclusion.
This is our begin part. First we write some general sentences about subject (General Statements)
after explaining to talk about what is written in the body paragraph thesis statement.
Don’t think where to write this sentences these are given in the examination paper.
Body paragraphs
Each of the two or three sub-body is described in a paragraph. Structures are:
Introductory sentence in the paragraph you wrote that you’re talking about.
Then a supportive opinion (Supporting Idea 1), a suitable example or detail
this idea (Supporting Detail). Another supportive opinion (Supporting Idea 2)
and a sample or details according to this idea. In the end optionally as a binding
sentence (Concluding Sentence)
The Conclusion
Changing the structure of the written thesis statement in the intro section is rewritten (Concluding Sentence) .For then completed a personal opinion essay writing or general comments (Final Comment).
Let’s look at our example. We give you some exam topics and sub-topics as follows:
-What Does lead to overpopulation in Chicago?
Traffic jams
Too much noises
Environmental pollutions
Lameness in social services
Essay sample may be written as follows;
The  Most Bad Side of Chicago
General Statements: Chicago is the most importante city
because of its beauty but also its Geographical location and It provides the
job opportunities. Because of These Factors, millions of people have migrated to Chicago. Today, the population of Chicago has already exceeded
15 million.thesis statement: Such crowds naturally lead to problems like environmental pollution.
Topic Sentence: One negative effect of overcrowding is like the traffic jams in
Chicago, which makes it very hard to live in this metropolitan city. Supporting
Idea 1: Firstly, people spend a long time on the Detail:
Fr example, anyone who lives in Maltepe and works in Levent has to set off at
6 o’clock in the morning to go to work. Supporting Idea 2: Secondly, people
can be aggressive in traffic jams. Supporting Detail: taxi drivers
suffer from psychological distress as they are always stuck in traffic, making
them aggressive. Some drivers can yell and even start fights. Concluding
Sentence: Living in Chicago is very difficult because people become
aggressive and violent due to wasting a lot of hours in a way.
Topic Sentence: Another effect of overpopulation is environmental
pollution. Supporting Idea 1: Air pollution comes first of  types of pollution
in Chicago. Supporting Detail: The reason of air pollution is that there is at
dangerous levels Thousands of factories without exhaust filters.
Factories emiting a high amount of carbon dioxide and other hazardous pollutants,
which contaminat to the air of Chicago. Supporting Idea 2: moreover, chemical waste
from chemical plant and industry cause water pollution. Therefore, it is impossible
to have pure water in homes. Supporting Idea 3: Another environmental
problem is noise pollution in Chicago. Supporting Details: According to the statics,
extremely high-frequency sounds, which in time may lead to hearing loss, were MEASURED
in some busy streets of Chicago.
Concluding Sentence: All in all, the results of overpopulation in Chicago
unavoidable traffic jams at threatening levels.
Final Comment: If we can not take measure against the rapidly rise of Chicago’s
population, it will eventually become impossible to live in a city.
I hope I got the text of the essay writing books I could not find my own living copyright problems.